I'd heard people mention this book and how it had affected them. I knew I wanted to read it. I read almost everything, but self help books, specifically self help books abut organizing your life and mind, are my favorites.
I've had a slightly unique experience reading this book because I read it right on the heels of "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown, and "7 Habits of Highly Successful People" by Stephen Covey. Apparently the last two months have been about simplifying for me!
I will admit, I almost put the book down when she insisted on folding clothes. I don't fold clothes. As silly as this sounds, I'm adamant on this point. Still, she made a compelling enough point for me to reconsider.
I'm glad I didn't give up on the little book. I read it quickly as it's not very long. And then I thought about it for a few days. I decided I'd try it, although I wasn't going to dive in, I certainly wasn't going to start talking to my clothes and I wasn't going to undertake a life changing Tidying Event.
But I might have done all three.
I have a very large, mostly organized closet. Still, when I actually took everything out I was kind of surprised at how much I had. As instructed, I picked up every single piece of clothing, including socks, stockings, and coats and made a decision. And as promised, it got a little easier as I went along. At the end, I bagged up four bags of clothes and set about to fold my clothes.
The book is adamant. Discard 1st, organize 2nd. But I couldn't very well live with the remaining contents of my closet on the floor, so I organized them.
It was true. I looked at my closet and saw only things I loved. And it is also true that despite my fears, I have yet to find myself without something to wear and it's been over a week.
But it was a lot of work, and did I really need to process EVERYTHING I owned?
So I googled "People who failed at Konmari" "Konmari Critics," and other random phrases like this. I found almost no one. Those I did find often didn't try the method, but discounted it ahead of time. No easy out, I guess.
For me, the book has provided a fundamental shift in the way I view my relationship with my things. I don't hope to become a extreme minimalist, but I do want to own only things I love. I want my house and my head to have room to grow and explore and love and live.
This book is not for everyone. Some people love things and being surrounded by them. But as I just started reading it for the second time, apparently it is for me.
Wish me luck as I dive in to the next categories!
Interesting! I'll have to look this one up.